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Game Stats Section
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Academic Information
GPA | SAT Score | ACT | School Rank | Intended Major | NCAA Clearing ID |
4.0 | Top 5% | business |
Analytical Stats
Hitting Metrics
Bat Exit | Barrel Speed | Attack Angle | Time to Contact | Launch Angle | Spin Rate | Distance | Impact Momentum | Contact Point | Distance in Zone | Applied Power |
87 mph |
Pitching Metrics
FB Velo | CB Velo | SL Velo | CHG Velo | FB Spin Rate | CB Spin Rate | SL Spin Rate | Spin Efficiency | Pitch Break | Total Spin |
92 |
Riflespin | Backspin | Sidespin | Speed Angle | Backward Time | Foward Time | Vertical Mvmnt | Horizontal Mvmnt | CH Spin | FB Axis | CB Axis | SL Axis | CH Axis |
Fielding Metrics
Raw Arm Velo | Catcher Pop Time | INF Arm Velo | OF Arm Velo | Catcher Arm Velo | Catcher Transfer | Home to 3B Time |
85 |
Player Athletic Performance and Strength Metrics
Athletic Performance
60yd Sprint | 10yd Sprint | 30yd Sprint | Broad Jump | Vertical Jump | Vertical Standing Jump | 5-10-5 Shuttle | Home to 1B | 1B to Home | Pushups / 30 sec |
6.5 | 14.68 |
Strength Metrics
Dumbbell Press | Incline DB Press | Back Squat | Front Squat | Dead Lift | Power Clean | Grip Strength (RT) | Grip Strength (LT) | Lat Pull Downs | Bicep Curls |
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Player Bio and Testimonial
My name is Alexander Fernandez, I'm from Venezuela I started to play baseball when I was 4 years old. My height is 5.9 and my weight 165 lbs. I play infield 2b/3b/ss , I'm right hander with good contact and velocity. In my country I won the championship with my team 3 times and participed in the nationals representing my state. I represented the Dominican Republic in the USA legacy international showcase as a reinforce of the team. My family is humble but a hardworking family, my parents have always strived to give me the best possible opportunities, we have gone through many things such as the death of my youngest sister but not even that has been able to stop us. My father has been my main inspiration, from a very young age he had to work to help his family who was very poor and has progressed from zero to the point of today being a great seller of automobile parts. I have another sister that I would like to help in the future to fulfill her dreams as my parents are helping to fulfill mine, that's why I just want to work hard and progress. I came to this country because I want to prepare myself as well as possible as a professional both academically and athletically. I believe in the hard work and I'm just looking for an opportunity to achieve my goals.
Athletic Awards/Mentions
Scholastic Awards/Mentions
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Coach Testimonial
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Player References
Professional Reference 1
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Professional Reference 2
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Professional Reference 3
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Other Players from my Organization
Last name | First name | Grad Year | Position | State | Team | Travel Organization |
Fernandez | Alexander | 2022 | 2B | Missouri | Next Level Baseball |
Validated Metric Section
(Metrics are captured from organizations using The Scout Hub's Scouting Software Platform)
60 yard Time
Date | 60 yd time | Timing Device | Evaluated By | Events Name |
Fastball Velocity
Date | Fastball Velo | Events Name |
Raw Arm Velocity
Date | Raw Arm Velo | Events Name |
Bat Barrel Speed
Date | Bat Barrel Speed | Events Name |
Bat Exit Velocity
Date | Bat Exit Velo | Events Name |
Catcher Pop Time
Date | Catcher Pop Time | Catcher Arm Velo | Device Used | Device Used 2 | Events Name |
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